Teaching and Learning
SMUGA Learning Cycle
The SMUGA Learning Cycle supports teachers in the planning and delivery of exciting and engaging learning experiences for the students at Armthorpe Academy. Learning takes place when clear learning objectives are coupled with high quality teaching which is based around the science of learning. Learning experiences are further enhanced when students are given the chance to demonstrate their understanding of the learning and are given regular opportunities to retrieve and reflect upon what they have learnt. Our learning cycle – SMUGA - sits as a framework to facilitate the model we wish to see in all our classrooms. When implemented effectively, students know and remember more and can articulate their learning.
S: Sharp Start through Retrieval
M: Model Direct Instruction and Guide Learning – The Expert in the Room
U: Understanding Check
G: Go! Independent Practice
A: Assess Learning
Please see the model below for more information.
Student Learning Journeys/Fluency in Learning
With the inception of the new curriculum, student learning journeys have also been developed to help students to make links between topics and understanding the progression in learning to draw upon schema to aid fluency. Students are encouraged to draw on prior learning in every topic to apply their knowledge and develop understanding. For example, in business this enables similarities and differences to be made between ‘real life’ business models, but also help with wider skills of ‘discuss and evaluate’ In Maths, the curriculum is based around teaching for mastery that aims for deep and sustainable learning; learning that is rooted in an appreciation of the connectedness of mathematical ideas and based on an understanding of the underlying structures. It emphasises the need to go beyond being able to memorise facts and practise procedures and routines. This means curricular goals are not just focussed on the national curriculum but about developing skills that can be used and applied throughout life to a diversity of situations.
Approach to SEND
As part of the trust’s wider response (led by the Headteacher) to the Green Paper, we implement a graduated approach to SEND. Effective classroom teaching is our most important strategy. SEND is one of our key whole school priorities. We are working hard to upskill staff to to move away from the use of the term ‘SEN’ as an umbrella term. This is to ensure staff have a better understanding of generic characteristics linked to areas of need to make more effective use of student passports by having a greater understanding of individual need. We are proud of our inclusive ethos and work in partnership with learners, parents and other agencies to provide the best possible educational outcomes for our students. We are an inclusive school and believe that all young people should be valued and treated with respect. As a school community, we endeavour to ensure that the provision for all our learners is of the highest possible standard, whilst acknowledging that we will always need to continue to improve our practice.
At Armthorpe, we believe that:
• All students are entitled to be valued equally, be respected as individuals and be included regardless of abilities, needs and behaviours
• All students are entitled to a broad, balanced and enriching curriculum which is adapted as appropriate to meet the individual needs of students.
• All of our teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs.
• All of our students are able to make progress and learn
• Effective assessment and provision for children with SEN/D will be secured in partnership with parents/carers, students, Local Authority and other partners
Active Co-operative Learning Strategies
To help give students time to think and work collaboratively to aid learning, a range of active co-operative learning strategies are used across the curriculum.