On this page, students will find a collection of wellbeing resources to support them.
Kooth offers therapeutic support to young people and young adults between the ages of 11-25. The service is commissioned by NHS Doncaster. Kooth qualified counsellors are online 365 days a year. Monday to Friday, from midday until 10pm and weekends 6pm until 10pm.
There is no referral process, and importantly no waiting list or threshold a young person needs to meet. Young people and young adults can access support for ANY issue they may be experiencing. This may include; Body image, self-esteem, bereavement, academic pressures, suicidal thoughts, friendships, bullying, low mood, anxiety, sexuality etc.
To access support, they simply register at Kooth.com - Further information and latest news flyers are attached below.
Kooth webinars and resources:
Be Well Doncaster
Be Well Doncaster is working with the Primary Care Networks to provide tailored, one to one behaviour change support by health and wellbeing coaches. The ‘Be Well Doncaster Coaches’ will utilise motivational interviewing techniques and evidence based behaviour change tools to support residents in making positive steps to improving their health and wellbeing. Click the link for further information. Be Well Doncaster Link
Free and confidential advice and support following suicide – 0330 088 9255
MindEd for Families - https://mindedforfamilies.org.uk/
Young Minds - https://youngminds.org.uk/
Your place, Your family - Your Place, Your Family Team - YourLifeDoncaster
Your place, your family provide support and information that is unique to families and residents when everyday issues become difficult. By using resources to support families they can implement a coordinated approach to resolving issues.
They can help families with:
- Benefits
- Family Support
- Local groups and activities
- Childcare
- Anti-social behaviour
- Housing support such as adaptations/rent/repairs
- Employment
- Debt and financial concerns
- Education support for your child as well as information for adults wanting access to adult learning courses.
- Uniform
- Getting to school
- Finance
PAPYRUS – Prevention of young suicide – National Confidential Helpline:
- Call: 0800 0680 41 41
- Text: 07786209697
- email: pat@papyrus-uk.org
Please click here for more information
This is a new initiative for parents to access online courses, which are available 24/7 at www.inourplace.co.uk.